AI and its effect on the writing industry.


As we all know, Artificial Intelligence has become an integral part of lives in the modern world. The ChatGPT by Open AI is one such example. These Large Language Models or LLM’s are slowly taking our lives by storm. ChatGPT is unlike previous weak and narrow AI model’s that could only perform one specific task. Yes, AI has been used before the advent of ChatGPT but the variety of tasks that it could perform was low. However, ChatGPT has changed the entire landscape. It can do more than other bots. It can solve mathematical questions; it can give you any information in the world and even write essays, letters and so on. Along with ChatGPT, a new race has started. Open AI has released a new version of GPT, GPT-4. Chrome has released Bard. Others will also come into the mix but there is still one problem with all of this and it’s not only a problem but also a fear. The fear of being replaced by something else and I didn’t use someone because AI isn’t a human. It’s a robot without the humanity that can also perform same tasks as humans.

The Strikes

The Writer’s Guild of America (WGA) strikes have been going on since the 2nd of May. The main reason for the strike cannot be solely contributed to AI but AI also plays a major role in it. The thing is that writers do fear that their role in the society as someone who crafts a story for audiences and generations will be taken away from them. Those who have a career in the writing industry will be hit the hardest just because of this particular reason. Writers who tend to think for days, weeks, months or even years writing a story are just too slow in the changing world and it is kind of agreeable with the Studios. They want quality writing in short amount of time. This is the same with other fields. Like editing, cooking, creating an excel document and much more. We all want our tasks to be handled efficiently and in almost no-time at all. Truth be told, this is human nature. This is why writers can be replaced by AI.


Before I delve deeper into the topic even further. I just have to tell you one more thing. The Mickey Mouse Empire, also known as Disney has already done what the writers and actors fear the most. The Marvel series “Secret Invasion” came out in June. All is nice and well with the series but the opening credits/sequence of the series are AI generated. Yes! It has been confirmed by the Director and Executive Producer according to reports. Now, Methods Studios that developed the sequence has neglected the fact that any jobs were affected. The point of including this here, is that AI has already been used in Hollywood.

This is a picture from the sequence.

Let’s get back to our topic. AI can be used for writing but there’s a catch with using AI for writing scripts or stories even. AI doesn’t work how people think it does. I am going to show how AI works and it is important to understand before making such assumptions that can be life-altering. AI or in our case, ChatGPT 3.5 (I haven’t used GPT-4 yet) works on entering prompts. The common assumption that people have with AI is that it can do almost everything. It can work like humans, it can think like humans and so on but this isn’t the truth. AI cannot yet do these things. I will give you an example. First, I will just ask ChatGPT to write a story about a certain genre.


Ali: Write a horror-genre based story.


Title: Echoes of the Forgotten Manor

Part 1: The Invitation

Rain pounded against the windows of a worn-down coffee shop, where a group of friends gathered for a reunion. Among them was Lily, an investigative journalist with an insatiable curiosity for the macabre. As the group laughed and reminisced, a mysterious letter slid under the café's door, landing at Lily's feet.

Unfolding the letter, she read an invitation to the long-abandoned Hawthorn Manor, a place rumored to be cursed. The sender was anonymous, but the chilling promise of a hidden story drew Lily in. Ignoring the concerns of her friends, she decided to investigate the manor herself.

Part 2: The Forgotten Manor

The moon cast an eerie glow over Hawthorn Manor as Lily arrived with a backpack filled with camera equipment and a heart filled with both excitement and trepidation. The mansion loomed like a specter, its windows dark and foreboding.

Inside, Lily felt an unnatural chill that seeped into her bones. As she explored, she discovered faded portraits, dusty furniture, and a sense of history shrouded in sorrow. Her camera's flash revealed fleeting shadows and unexplainable orbs, heightening the unsettling atmosphere.

Part 3: Haunting Echoes

Lily's determination led her to a hidden chamber beneath the manor. There, she uncovered a diary that belonged to Eleanor Hawthorn, a woman accused of witchcraft in the 18th century. Eleanor's writings revealed a tragic tale of love, betrayal, and revenge. As Lily delved deeper, strange occurrences escalated.

Whispers echoed through the corridors, and Lily felt a constant presence at her side. Her photographs unveiled ghostly figures and scenes from the past, intertwining with Eleanor's tale. Fear gnawed at her, but her journalistic zeal pushed her onward.

Part 4: The Unveiling

As Lily pieced together Eleanor's story, she realized that the restless spirit sought justice for the wrongs committed against her. Eleanor's love had been stolen by a rival, leading to accusations of dark magic and her subsequent execution. The vengeful spirit now yearned to expose the truth and clear her name.

Lily, driven by compassion and a newfound sense of responsibility, began to unravel the secrets buried within the manor's walls. She discovered hidden passages, cursed artifacts, and a connection between Eleanor and her own lineage. But with each revelation, the malevolent energy within the manor grew stronger.

Part 5: Confrontation

As Lily's investigation progressed, her friends grew increasingly concerned for her well-being. They decided to join her at Hawthorn Manor, fearing the danger she might be in. Together, they faced the wrath of Eleanor's tormented spirit, who lashed out with spectral fury.

Amidst the chaos, Lily confronted Eleanor's vengeful ghost and pleaded for understanding. She showed Eleanor the evidence she had uncovered, proving her innocence after centuries of suffering. The ghost wavered, torn between anger and the desire for vindication.

Part 6: Restless Spirits

Eleanor's anguish began to wane, replaced by a mournful acceptance. As dawn broke, the manor's atmosphere shifted, and the shadows receded. Eleanor's spirit, now appeased, dissipated into the light, leaving behind an aura of sorrow and redemption.

The manor, once a place of darkness and dread, now stood in quiet solitude. Lily and her friends left, forever changed by their encounter with the supernatural. The photographs and recordings Lily had captured held evidence of the spirit's existence, but her tale would remain untold, hidden within the chilling echoes of the forgotten Hawthorn Manor.

As you can see, the story written by ChatGPT does look great. I just entered one line and it gave me a full story. The one problem here is that the story uses some particular tropes associated with the horror genre already. An abandoned mansion, echoes, cursed artifacts, a person going somewhere just because they had to do it out of curiosity (which is probably the most used and dumb tactic used by writers) and revenge. All of these tropes are what you might have seen used in horror movies once in your lifetime. I mean, we all have watched horror movies in our lives. It’s just using the already known tropes and mixing them together. I know that this is what most screenwriters also tend to do but now, an AI is doing it. The difference is that, this way we save time.

Now, I will give an idea to ChatGPT and add more prompts.

Ali: Write a story in which a student is trapped inside his education institution at night. The only person along with him is his professor, but it turns out that the professor actually did this to him and is a demon that wants to feed on the fear of the student. The story should be horror-genre based and you can also add dialogues for the reader. You can also choose the names of the characters yourself.


Title: Nightfall's Grasp

Part 1: The Descent

The moon hung low in the sky, casting eerie shadows across the imposing walls of St. Ravenwood Academy. Mark, an introverted student known for his dedication, found himself alone in the dimly lit hallway. He had been working late on a project and hadn't realized how
late it had become.

"Professor Abernathy, are you still here?" Mark called out, his voice trembling slightly as he ventured further into the school's depths.
Silence was his only reply.

Part 2: The Trapped

Mark's steps echoed in the corridor as he headed towards the professor's office. The hallways seemed to twist and elongate, playing tricks on his mind. His heart raced as he reached the office door, finding it slightly ajar.

"Professor?" Mark's voice quivered, pushing the door open gently.

The room was shrouded in darkness, save for the eerie glow of candlelight. There, behind the desk, sat Professor Abernathy, his face obscured by shadows.

"Mark, my boy," Abernathy's voice oozed like honey, "how fortunate that you're here."

Mark's unease deepened, but he tried to maintain composure. "I... I didn't expect anyone to be here. What's going on?"

Part 3: Unveiling the Truth

Abernathy leaned forward, the flickering candles revealing his eyes glinting with an otherworldly red hue. "You see, Mark, I have a special lesson for you tonight. One that you won't find in any textbook."

Mark's pulse quickened, his senses warning him that something was terribly wrong. "What lesson? I don't understand."

The professor's lips curled into a malevolent smile. "Oh, but you will, my dear student. You're about to learn the true power of fear."

Part 4: The Demon's Game

Before Mark could react, the room seemed to shift around him. He was no longer in the professor's office but trapped in a labyrinthine maze of corridors that twisted and turned endlessly. Panic clawed at his chest as he realized his surroundings were changing at the whim of some sinister force.

"Professor Abernathy, this isn't funny! Let me out!" Mark's voice wavered, his fear growing with each passing second.

Abernathy's laughter echoed through the corridors, chilling Mark to the bone. "Fear is a delicacy, Mark, and your terror is my sustenance."

Part 5: The Confrontation

Mark stumbled upon a room that seemed to defy the laws of space, its walls adorned with nightmarish visions. In the center stood Abernathy, his true form now revealed—an unsettling fusion of human and demon.

"Welcome to my realm, Mark," Abernathy hissed. "I am Nyxar, a demon who feasts upon fear."

Mark's mind raced as he realized the horrifying truth. "You orchestrated all of this? You trapped me here?"

Nyxar's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Indeed. Your fear, your vulnerability—it's all so delicious. And you, my student, are the perfect meal."

Part 6: Fight for Survival

Mark's fear transformed into fury and determination. He refused to be Nyxar's prey. With newfound strength, he recalled his knowledge of mythology and arcane lore, searching for a way to counter the demon's power.

As Nyxar lunged, Mark chanted an incantation, forming a barrier of light that forced the demon back. The struggle between human will and demonic power raged on, each side pushing its limits.

Part 7: Breaking the Chains

With an ear-splitting roar, Nyxar's form wavered, weakened by Mark's resistance. Mark channeled his fear into defiance, his determination stronger than the demon's insatiable hunger.

"You can't break me!" Mark shouted, his voice echoing through the chamber.
In a blinding flash, Nyxar let out a final, anguished howl before dissolving into a cloud of dissipating darkness. The room trembled, the malevolent energy dissipating like a storm receding.

Part 8: The Dawn of Freedom

As the darkness cleared, Mark found himself back in the professor's office. Sunlight filtered through the curtains, banishing the lingering shadows. The ordeal was over.
Exhausted but victorious, Mark took a moment to catch his breath. He knew he had faced his deepest fears and emerged stronger. He looked around, half-expecting Nyxar to return, but the office remained tranquil.

The door creaked open, and a concerned security guard entered. "You alright, kid? You're not supposed to be here at night."

Mark nodded, his voice steady now. "I'm fine. Just finishing up some work."
As he left the office, Mark couldn't shake the memory of the demonic professor's voice. But he also carried with him the knowledge that fear, when faced head-on, could be transformed into strength—an echo of the horrors he had conquered in the night's gripping darkness.

As you can see, ChatGPT added more to the story when the prompts are given and its work is coherent. It knows what to do and it did the exact same thing.

Ali: Can you write the above story in a script fashion?


Title: Nightfall's Grasp

Scene 1: The Descent

· The moon casts eerie shadows. MARK, an introverted student, walks alone.
MARK (uncertain) Professor Abernathy, are you still here?
· Silence in response.

Scene 2: The Trapped

· Mark enters the dark office, sees candlelight. The room seems off.
MARK (tentative) Professor?
· Mark opens the door gently. PROFESSOR ABERNATHY is there, face hidden.
PROFESSOR ABERNATHY (slick) Mark, my boy. How fortunate you're here.
MARK (nervous) I... didn't expect anyone to be here. What's going on?

Scene 3: Unveiling the Truth

· Abernathy leans forward, revealing red eyes.
PROFESSOR ABERNATHY (sly) You see, Mark, I have a special lesson for you tonight. One you won't find in any textbook.
MARK (growing uneasy) What lesson? I don't understand.
· Abernathy's smile deepens.
PROFESSOR ABERNATHY (darkly) Oh, but you will. You're about to learn the true power of fear.

Scene 4: The Demon's Game

· Mark wanders through ever-changing corridors, panicking.
MARK (desperate) Professor Abernathy, this isn't funny! Let me out!
· Abernathy's laughter echoes.
PROFESSOR ABERNATHY (chuckling) Fear is a delicacy, Mark, and your terror is my sustenance.

Scene 5: The Confrontation

· Mark finds Abernathy, now transformed into a DEMON, Nyxar.
DEMON NYXAR (snickering) Welcome to my realm, Mark. I am Nyxar, a demon who feasts upon fear.
MARK (realizing) You orchestrated all of this? You trapped me here?
· Nyxar grins malevolently.
DEMON NYXAR (savoring) Indeed. Your fear, your vulnerability—it's all so delicious. And you, my student, are the perfect meal.

Scene 6: Fight for Survival

· Mark's fear turns to fury. He recalls arcane lore, chants incantation, creating a light barrier.
MARK (defiant) You can't break me!
· A struggle of power ensues between Mark's determination and Nyxar's demonic energy.

Scene 7: Breaking the Chains

· Nyxar weakens, form wavers, Mark's defiance prevails.
MARK (persisting) You can't break me!
· Nyxar roars, dissipates into darkness. The room trembles, darkness receding.
Scene 8: The Dawn of Freedom
· Mark stands in the office, sunlight filtering through curtains.
MARK (to himself) I faced my fears. I emerged stronger.
· Door creaks open, security guard enters.
SECURITY GUARD (concerned) You alright, kid? You're not supposed to be here at night.
MARK (resolute) I'm fine. Just finishing up some work.
· Mark leaves the office, carries the memory of conquered fears and newfound strength.

The above is in script version. Normally, as I had seen before. ChatGPT doesn’t generate scripts but it can when the respective story is provided. The point of all this exploration is that AI cannot take jobs from humans just yet. The story that it produced on its own is what can normally be done in campfire stories. I mean, an amateur can also mix some tropes and come up with a nice story to scare people but it won’t be unique. It won’t be different.


The thing is that AI was never meant to replace humans. Rather, it was meant to aid them, make it easier for them. All inventions in the history of mankind have only contributed in making it easier for humans. So, why do we think that AI will be an exception? AI won’t be like terminator movies as of now or maybe never. The reason is that, we are often mislead by popular opinions without seeing the bigger picture. Popular theories also believe that aliens exist but they don’t. AI is a machine that can make our task efficient and less time consuming. They are there to help humans. At the time, ChatGPT works on the information provided to it by humans and often works under regulation. It cannot think for itself yet. The robots that will take-over the world were conscious of themselves but that level hasn’t been reached yet. Contrary to popular belief, I believe that AI won’t rule or replace us but rather change our world to be more productive. The work that will be done in months because of procrastination can be done in seconds. The Studios do need to understand one thing, they will still need writers in their industries because of their unique ideas. Those ideas will be put to work on the paper by AI. The think tank will be human and the worker will be AI. This is what AI was created for.

In conclusion, AI is an important tool for humanity. The only bad thing about AI is not that AI will go rogue but that AI will fall into the wrong hands. I believe that we should embrace AI as part of our everyday lives and put it to good use. AI isn’t here to replace us but it is here to help us do everything faster and better.

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